
404 – Eggtown



This episode is dull.  It’s very necessary, but it’s quite boring.  It does answer the question from the end of season 3, how did Kate get free of those pesky murder charges?  But beyond that Kate’s story was dragged out.

I did like three scenes in this episode though.

The first one was the part with Diane speaking to Kate.  I believe that Diane is a vitally important character and finding out that she’s stayed alive, miraculously, was quite interesting to me.

The second one was when Miles talked to Ben trying to get money out of hm in exchange for silence.

The third was the memory game that Charlotte was playing with Daniel.  I find that scene to be extremely important and I’m sure it will have a big bearing on Daniel’s season 5 storyline.

But I can’t ignore that this episode was sub-par.  4.0/10.0

Character Impressions:


-This is the episode where Daniel and Charlotte are doing that card game thinger.  Somebody said that they think it was a magic/psychic trick.  I believe it was a memory game.  Here’s what Charlotte said, “Time.  OK tell me, what do you remember?”  Then he guessed two out of three of the cards.  And apparently that was progress for him.  That was definitely a memory game and he was losing.  As far as I can tell they were playing a memory game to test his short-term-to-long-term memory.  If you ask me this could be because he became unstuck in time, he’s done serious damage to his memory.  He could have hundreds of vitally important memories locked in his mind.  I believe he was once part of the Dharma Initiative and he just can’t remember it.  We’ll see if that’s true or not in season 5.


-Ben looked pretty scared when he sees Miles.

-Miles says he knows Ben.  He knows what he can do.  What can Ben do?  Was he just referring to his manipulative skills?  Or maybe his espionage skills?


-Charlotte phone Regina and apparently the helicopter disappeared for a period of time.  I assume this is just more of that time differential thing between the island and the freighter.


-Kate would have been such a celebrity if this was real.

-There’s some fun foreshadowing with Kate holding Aaron on the island.

-Miles tells Kate to stay on the island.  I think she should have listened to him.  I guess she just got caught up in the hysteria of getting off the island.

-Why did the D.A. want Kate to stay in California?  What was the point of that?

-“I have a child, I’m not going anywhere.”  I think that’s the point of Kate’s flashforwards, Kate got to settle down.


-I was very surprised to find out that Diane was still alive.  I came up with the Diane=Annie theory after this episode.

-What kept Diane alive?  She was given 6 months to live for four years.  I’m assuming that Jacob had something to do with that.

-Couldn’t the D.A. have just subpoenaed Diane?  She had medical reasons, but they could have got around those.


-“You may think this is a democracy because of the way Jack ran things, but this is not a democracy.”  Uh, Jack ran a dictatorship too.


-I assume we’ll find out about what Miles needs $3.2 million for.

-The part with Miles and the grenade is ridiculous.  I hate that scene because it’s a great idea but it has no payoff.  He doesn’t die, he doesn’t even find a way to escape, he just disappears for a few episodes and comes back in perfect health.



-If you were to take Jack from season 1 or 2 there would be no chance that he would lie for Kate.  He used to use her murderous past as leverage against her in petty arguements.  He’s come so far since those heady days.


-Seeing Aaron was, admittedly, a big shock for me.  But I also have to admit that I thought he had down-syndrome.



-Sun wants to go back to Korea to raise her baby.  Apparently she’s remembering all the good times she had in Korea.  Oh, wait…

Flashbacks (what we knew then):

-After watching this episode one of the theories I came up with was that Jack killed Claire.  That would have been fun if it came true.

Flashforwards (what we know now):

– Izi

7 Responses to “404 – Eggtown”

  1. 1 Anon
    December 29, 2008 at 4:52 am

    “”You may think this is a democracy because of the way Jack ran things, but this is not a democracy.” Uh, Jack ran a dictatorship too.”

    LMAO, so true.

    “Seeing Aaron was, admittedly, a big shock for me. But I also have to admit that I thought he had down-syndrome.”

    Haha, why?

    “I assume we’ll find out about what Miles needs $3.2 million for.”

    I presumed it was just what Widmore was gonna pay all of them.

  2. December 29, 2008 at 10:03 am

    I don’t want to be too offensive with the down-syndrome thing so I don’t want to go into detail. But look at that picture at the top, that kid kept on doing crazy faces like that.
    – izi

  3. 3 missscarlett
    December 29, 2008 at 4:54 pm

    “If you ask me this could be because he became unstuck in time, he’s done serious damage to his memory.”

    Also he didn’t wear any protective headgear while doing his experiments — the look on his face when Desmond asks him! Priceless.

    I like the theory that he was part of the Dharma Initiative. Clever possibility.

    People have been known to hold on for ridiculous amounts of time waiting for a milestone before they die — like a birthday, anniversary, birth. So it might have just been guilt and stubborn-osity keeping Diane alive. I don’t like thinking about Jacob influencing off Island characters that much mostly because then the options/possibilities are endless as to where this is headed!

    Yeah exactly why Sun would want to go back to Korea is a wonder! Unless she had a plan to get back at her Dad even before Jin was “killed”.

    Jack is becoming an adept liar, isn’t he?

    I HATE that thing with the grenade – you know, if they had followed it through it might have worked. Locke losing it Ben-style (think of Sawyer’s bunny heart monitor) when his leadership is threatened – but they totally dropped it and now it is just one more Locke is Insane bit of evidence. That and they needed more story checkers to ensure continuity.

    Ben’s response to the sum of 3.2 million was priceless though. Man can he deliver a line!

    I totally thought that Jack was going to be responsible for Claire’s death too by his reaction. Maybe he is just over-the-top guilty for letting her leave with Locke instead of insisting she stay with him — Jack can be really absorbed in that responsibility role.

  4. 4 missscarlett
    December 29, 2008 at 4:55 pm

    Oh – and everyone at my house thought Aaron was Down’s too.
    Also – they boards were alight with that theory.
    (actually I kind of liked him better when I thought he had Downs Syndrome)

  5. 5 Anon
    December 29, 2008 at 8:22 pm

    I guess it’s hard for a 3 yr old to know how to act “waking up”. 😀

  6. 6 Rosie
    December 31, 2008 at 12:38 am

    This is one of the most badly written episodes I have ever come across. I would have rated it as 0.1. I’m giving it a less than one point for the revelation at the end of the episode.

  7. 7 Rosie
    December 31, 2008 at 12:39 am

    “Maybe he is just over-the-top guilty for letting her leave with Locke instead of insisting she stay with him — Jack can be really absorbed in that responsibility role.”

    I suspect that even if Jack had attempted to insist that Claire stay with him, she would have told him to piss off. Claire has never hesitated to express her disapproval of Jack whenever he said something that annoyed her.

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December 2008

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