Posts Tagged ‘Sarah


Poll Results from 605

Usually I watch the polls and silently enjoy watching all of your weird choices.  But last week had some very interesting debates so I thought I’d publicize the results.  This is also another chance to vote.

I discuss the results below, but the polls are still open and will be open until the mysteries are solved.  So things could change.

Who is David’s Mother?

The real fight is between Juliet and Sarah for the maternity of David.  I still think it’s going to be Juliet.  Sarah is great, but with such a small amount of episode left I find it hard to believe that we have time left for Sarah.  From a logistic point of view it would be pretty crazy if either of these actresses had enough time to play this role.  Elizabeth Mitchell is filming the surprisingly not canceled V and Julie Bowen is starring in the surprisingly acclaimed Modern Family (no I haven’t watched either yet).

I found that a lot of people are trying to choose a less blond mother for David.  Sure the kid has perfectly black hair, but if they got a blond kid then it would have been weird.  I don’t think the kids coloring is a huge hint.

A friend of mine and a commenter even said that they think the mother might be Ilana.  I scoffed a little at that.  I think the writers are aware that many people aren’t Ilana fans.  I wouldn’t  mind if Ilana was thrust into the main story like that, but it seems unlikely.  Besides if we ever had an Ilana episode I don’t think it would be about how she was knocked up by Jack.   Hopefully she’ll have an episode that explains a little bit about her relationship with Jacob.

I’m quite disappointed that three people chose Kate.  Come on.

On the other hand I’m grateful to the weirdos who think that Ana Lucia stands a chance.

Who’s Coming to the Island?

I don’t buy the theory that 108 Wallace was misdirection, or a red herring.  Someone is still coming to the Island and I think this episode is supposed to make us excited about who it is.

And I’m definitely leaning more towards Desmond now and not Mr. Widmore.  It was a toss-up for me when I was writing the Revlysis, but now I’m willing to say that I think it’s Desmond.  And it looks like most people agree with me.

I’m disappointed that very few people voted for Walt.  I think I may be sitting on a very empty boat still hoping the kid comes back.

– izi

(Look at that tiny little post.)


605 – Lighthouse


This might have been one of the only Jack flashbacks/forwards/sideways that I really enjoyed.  And I have to hand it to the writers.  I’m thoroughly impressed that they managed to make me care about Jack and his relationship with his newly introduced preteen son.  If I had heard that Jack was going to have a son and he would have parenthood issues I would have rolled my eyes and wrote this episode off as a loss.  But I was surprised at how much I cared.

On the Island Hurley was leading Jack to Jacob’s spy-tower.  There we saw a very familiar list of names.  Jacob told Hurley that someone, number 108 on the list, was coming to the Island and Hurley had to help him get there.  No luck in this episode, but I’ll bet we’ll hear more about that later.

Meanwhile Claire finally did some talking.  Yeah, she’s crazy.  She’s also BFFs with “Locke” although she somehow doesn’t seem to know his name.  Poor Jin is now stuck with Claire and Locke and he knows way too much.  He’s in survival mode and he’s surrounded by murderers.  Also his leg is mangled.  This guy has been through the wringer over the last two seasons.

This was a good episode.  It set up a BSG reminiscent relationship between Hurley and Jacob, it had a surprising and effective reveal of Jack’s new son, it ramped up the anticipation about Claire and what the deuce she’s going to do, and it started two fun guessing games: who’s David’s mother and who’s coming to the Island (skip down the bottom of the post for my guesses and a couple of polls).  Overall a solid episode.  7.5/10.0

Continue reading ‘605 – Lighthouse’


406 – The Other Woman



This episode and the next one are probably the least important out of all the season 4 episodes.  They are the closest thing to filler that we will probably see.  But that doesn’t mean they are bad episodes.

This one deals with Juliet and Ben’s relationship.  We get to see Juliet’s third, and likely final, on-island flashback.  This fills in the blanks in the last flashback.   And while this episode is good because it shows what a terrible and at times frightening time Juliet had on the island, it also shows a lot of Ben’s power.  We see him get revenge on Juliet for not falling in love with him, we see him assert his authority over her (in one of his creepiest scenes ever), and we see what Charlotte and Daniel feel about him.

Charlotte and Daniel take up most of the story on the island.  They strike out on their own on a mission to protect themselves and everyone else on the island.  They disable The Tempest station so that Ben can’t use it again to kill everyone on the island.

A few of the lines caught my attention.  Claire mentions the Hot-word “hostile” in reference to Locke’s group, this could be foreshadowing for season 5.  Ben and Juliet talk about Jacob’s list.  And Harper says that Juliet looks just like her.  All potentially important stuff.


Continue reading ‘406 – The Other Woman’


322 – Through the Looking Glass



(You may notice that I am reviewing this entire episode instead of splitting it up like I’ve done for the other finales.  I did this because season 5 is starting a week earlier than I anticipated, so I have to accelerate my revlysis schedule slightly.)

There was so much about this episode that was so good.  A lot of the time was full of action and fun, but there was still a lot of great stuff there.  And you really can’t beat the mood of this episode.  Everything is tinged with that sense of danger.  And now that season 4 is over all that potential danger is laid out for us.

Besides the obvious twist, this flashforward was very boring.  But that was kinda the point, it lulls us into a false sense of familiarity and then BANG it throws the show for a loop.  I was considering lowering the score, because compared to the other flashforwards it was pretty weak, but I can’t ignore that the episode was still very amazing and mind-bending, then and now.

Charlies death scene and what happened before it with Penny’s transmission was just too awesome.  I love it when they pull the rug out from under us like that, taking away our hope that Penny was going to swoop in and save the day.  And the inclusion and near reunion between her and Desmond was irresistibly good.

Also the final scene with Jack and Kate is amazing and mind-blowing.  You really can’t beat that, and I don’t think they will try any time soon.

Aaand the part when Jack talks to Minkowski, it just gets better and better.  That conversation is so short and it gives us no info, but the potential is just incredible.

9.5/10.0 Do the finales seem to get better and better the more times you watch them?

Continue reading ‘322 – Through the Looking Glass’


305 – The Cost of Living



So Eko died, I have to say that I wanted him to die by this point in the show.  He’s a great character, but I was more that happy with just one mystic, Locke.  Also I had grown tired of Eko’s unnecessarily cryptic speeches and the fact that he never liked to include others in his escapades, in a ensemble show like Lost camradery is necessary and welcome.  His flashback in his episode isn’t anything special, I find it hard to differentiate it with other Eko flashbacks.

But there were some very good developments in this episode.  Locke went back into The Pearl and with Nikki’s help he got to see a glimpse of Mikhail.  Meanwhile on Alcatraz, Jack told Ben that he knew what was going on, Ben told Jack that he intended to “break him”, and Juliet told Jack that she wanted to organize a coup and kill Ben.  Also, we got to see Smokey in action, and possibly we saw Jacob judging Eko (possibly).


Continue reading ‘305 – The Cost of Living’


301 – A Tale of Two Cities


Awesome opening scene, less than awesome episode.

I feel exactly the same about this episode as I did about the season two premiere, it starts out great, but then drops off into slow and boring character development.  The pace on this episode is glacial, it’s all just setup scenes with no real payoff.

The flashback in this episode was useless.  It has no purpose and doesn’t solve any mysteries.  I personally think that at some point in the future it will mean something but right now, it sucks.

And I have no proof of this, but I believe that this episode was originally meant to be a Juliet flashback.  I’ll bet that would have been too confusing so they switched it to a Jack flashback.  Again, I am assuming all of this, but that is how it seems to me.

I’d give this episode the 6.0/10.0

Continue reading ‘301 – A Tale of Two Cities’

May 2024

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