Posts Tagged ‘Boone


617 – The End – Sayid, Shannon & Boone


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617 – The End – review


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What It’s Like to Die

Pictures from here.

Entertainment Weekly is going nuts over the Lost finale, understandably.  But one of their obsessions is the long list of dead characters.  They had many of the dead characters come back for photo-shoots and interviews.  The photos were odd, I never really like seeing the actors all cleaned up and shiny, they just look strange.  But some of the interviews were fun.  For example there’s a video of the actors talking about what it was like for them when they found out their characters were dying. You really feel bad for these people, and you can tell many of them are barely restraining their anger.

Check it out at

(Frankly I don’t think the Ethan guy has anything to complain about, he’s been in almost every season since he’s died.)

– izi


Good vs Evil: Jacob & “Locke”

It’s been a while since I did a Good vs. Evil post, and I’ve put this one off for a long time.  I mostly want to write this now because it seems like everyone is grasping at straws trying to figure out if we’ve been misled, maybe Jacob isn’t as nice as we like to believe.  I think it’s possible that people have lost some perspective about the issues.

And one disclaimer before I continue.  I feel very strongly we can discuss whether someone is good or evil.  I know many people dislike it when I debate these things, they wants more vagueness, they don’t want their favorite characters pigeon-holed.  But I like drawing lines in the sand.  I want there to be barriers between good and evil actions.  In the end of this show there will be two side, and I don’t think they will both be good and both be evil.  I’m pretty sure there will be villains and there will be heroes.

And another thing, I have to write this post about Jacob and “Locke”/Smokey because they are undoubtedly on opposite sides, if I write about one of them then it affects the other one.

Continue reading ‘Good vs Evil: Jacob & “Locke”’


601 – LA X (part 1)


I started watching this episode thinking that I was not going to enjoy it.  I thought that either we’d have a timeline reset or not, it was one way or another.  I would have been unhappy either way.  With the Reset I would have been bored with that time period and I would have hated to see all that “progress” disappear.  Without the Reset, Juliet and Daniel died for nothing, and frankly with a title like LA X and news that every former cast member was coming back, it wasn’t possible for there not to be a Reset.  So I pretty much ignored Lost during the hiatus.  If I spent too much time thinking about it I would make myself angry.

At Comic-Con Darlton asked us to trust them.  And I’m very glad that I did.  They are geniuses.  I would never have guessed that they were doing to diverging timelines.  I’ve heard a few bloggers suggest it as a possibility, but frankly I rarely believe anything my fellow bloggers say, I wouldn’t say that to their face, but it’s true.  Seeing it in action is just glorious.  It’s literally the best of both worlds.

As for this episode specifically, it was awesome.  The inevitable scene that showed that the plane didn’t crash and then underwater Island reveal was perfectly devastating (not unlike the underwater Oceanic 815 wreckage).  At that point I was ready to resign myself to the fact that the writers had chosen the more boring route of starting over.

But that was just the first intro.  The second was another slow reveal of another timeline.  Too good.  Suddenly we were presented with a new format and an amazing new story.

Cut to the beach and we have more insanity.  It’s casually revealed that “Locke” is Smokey.  Smokey tears up some people with guns and blows our mind (what’s new).

Then Jacob shows up to visit Hurley and it turns out he’s very dead but he isn’t helpless, he seems to have a plan, or at least hope.  It’s very comforting to hear Jacob giving orders even from beyond the grave.

All of this is peppered with visits from characters we thought dead.  Charlie and Boone were exciting to someone out there, not me.  But the return of Juliet was quite wonderful.  I still wish that Juliet and Sawyer could have had a happily ever after, but I realize I’m being naive.  That’s not the kind of show I signed on for.  What we did get was a small amount of closure and at least a new final image of Juliet (If I have to see that scene with Juliet’s slow death again… well I’ll outline my plans below).

My expectations for this episode were at about a 7 maybe an 8, but this is honestly a 10.0, mostly for the introduction of this glorious new format (Smokey=”Locke” didn’t hurt).

Continue reading ‘601 – LA X (part 1)’


Season 6 Premiere Expectations

Let’s all get our hopes up. Let’s raise our expectations so high that the show will never be able to meet them. Yeah!

What Do You Want?

What do you want from the Season 6 premiere? Do you want a grand reunion episode? Do you want Jughead to reset the past? Or do you want it to simply cause a big explosion? Do you want the past to be ignored? Or do you want the story to pick up where it left off, with our 70s heroes standing around The Swan and our 07 heroes standing around the foot?

What I Want

Continue reading ‘Season 6 Premiere Expectations’


Best Season 6 Poster

Best quality, that is.  This was posted in a few places: DarkUFO, BuddyTV, and Doc Arzt.

Here are the changes that I noticed:

  • They demoted a few of the girls, Libby and Charlotte seem to have undergone the most shrinkage
  • They got rid of the hieroglyphics
  • They moved Frank over to the left between Charlotte and Shannon
  • A lot of the characters got changed
  • And they threw Vincent in at the end, how nice of them

You know who hasn’t been added?  Walt.  Apparently Vincent ranks higher than Walt.

– izi


Lost Comic-Con 2009 Analysis

Comic Con 09 01

First of all I should say SPOILER ALERT.  I personally don’t think that anything that happens at Comic-Con is a spoiler but some people do.  So you’ve been warned.

Secondly, you should probably check out these videos from Comic-Con:

The Panel

The Videos

Now on to the analysis:

Continue reading ‘Lost Comic-Con 2009 Analysis’


Lost Comic-Con 2009 Videos

If one wants to remain completely untainted by spoilers of Season 6, official or otherwise, then don’t read ahead.


The Comic-Con 09 panel was posted on Saturday.  Here are the other official videos that were shown at Comic-Con.

Continue reading ‘Lost Comic-Con 2009 Videos’


In Preparation for Season 5: Lovers

Here is the fifth episode from sl-Lost‘s In preparation for Season 5 videos.  This time it’s about the couples that have formed during the course of the show.

– izi

May 2024

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