Posts Tagged ‘Ana Lucia


617 – Ratings

617 – The End

13.50 million viewers

5.8/15 18-49 viewers

From TVbytheNumbers.

And here are some press releases from ABC bragging about Lost: here and here.

I was pretty close.  I thought it would be 14 million viewers with a 5.5/12 share.

Continue reading ‘617 – Ratings’


616 – What They Died For


If that was a set up episode then it was the best one ever.  I don’t think it was a set up episode, it seemed more like it was part one of the finale.  I can barely even count all the things that happened tonight.

First of all the surviving Candidates mobilized and decided to follow the plan to kill “Locke”.  Finally they’ve stopped trying to escape.

Secondly Ben is in the position of a lifetime.  He’s conning the most powerful being on the Island.  This is what he was meant to do.  Unfortunately to get to this place Richard probably had to die, and Ben had to kill Widmore (not a big loss).  But he’s got himself a front-row seat and a position of pivotal power.  I am thrilled about what he managed to do in this episode.

Then Jacob showed up and answered questions, and appointed a replacement.  I didn’t see this coming at all.  Who knew that would happen before the finale.  Jacob had one of my favorite speeches in a very long time.  He finally explained to these fools that they belong on the Island, they had nothing left in the real world.  I’ve said this forever.

Off the Island things really kicked into high gear.  In what was possibly the best choreographed flash-sideways yet, Desmond started two sets of dominoes that resulted in Ben getting matched up with Rousseau, Locke giving into to fate and finally agreeing to Jack’s surgery, and finally Desmond started inviting/coercing people like Hurley, Kate and Sayid into going to the most anticipated concert of the year.  This concert looks like it’s going to be the place to be in the finale.

This episode blew me away.  If it was Richard’s last episode than that’s unfortunate.  Regardless, this episode accomplished a lot.  If this is anything like what the finale will be like, I don’t think I’ll have any trouble giving it a perfect ten.  As for this episode I think it warrants a 9.0/10.0

Continue reading ‘616 – What They Died For’


Poll Results from 605

Usually I watch the polls and silently enjoy watching all of your weird choices.  But last week had some very interesting debates so I thought I’d publicize the results.  This is also another chance to vote.

I discuss the results below, but the polls are still open and will be open until the mysteries are solved.  So things could change.

Who is David’s Mother?

The real fight is between Juliet and Sarah for the maternity of David.  I still think it’s going to be Juliet.  Sarah is great, but with such a small amount of episode left I find it hard to believe that we have time left for Sarah.  From a logistic point of view it would be pretty crazy if either of these actresses had enough time to play this role.  Elizabeth Mitchell is filming the surprisingly not canceled V and Julie Bowen is starring in the surprisingly acclaimed Modern Family (no I haven’t watched either yet).

I found that a lot of people are trying to choose a less blond mother for David.  Sure the kid has perfectly black hair, but if they got a blond kid then it would have been weird.  I don’t think the kids coloring is a huge hint.

A friend of mine and a commenter even said that they think the mother might be Ilana.  I scoffed a little at that.  I think the writers are aware that many people aren’t Ilana fans.  I wouldn’t  mind if Ilana was thrust into the main story like that, but it seems unlikely.  Besides if we ever had an Ilana episode I don’t think it would be about how she was knocked up by Jack.   Hopefully she’ll have an episode that explains a little bit about her relationship with Jacob.

I’m quite disappointed that three people chose Kate.  Come on.

On the other hand I’m grateful to the weirdos who think that Ana Lucia stands a chance.

Who’s Coming to the Island?

I don’t buy the theory that 108 Wallace was misdirection, or a red herring.  Someone is still coming to the Island and I think this episode is supposed to make us excited about who it is.

And I’m definitely leaning more towards Desmond now and not Mr. Widmore.  It was a toss-up for me when I was writing the Revlysis, but now I’m willing to say that I think it’s Desmond.  And it looks like most people agree with me.

I’m disappointed that very few people voted for Walt.  I think I may be sitting on a very empty boat still hoping the kid comes back.

– izi

(Look at that tiny little post.)


Post 602, 602 thoughts and theories

OK.  So I’ve given it a lot of thought and I’ve gone back and forth with many of you in the comments all the while forming new theories.  So here goes nothing.

New Theory About Dying

I’d like to put forth this theory: once characters die in one of the timelines they become aware of the other timeline. This would explain Charlie thinking that he had to die and also Juliet knowing that “it worked”.  It doesn’t really explain what happened to Sayid.  I tend to think that possibly he died in the non-Island timelines, but that seems kinda crazy (maybe Arzt killed him in some sort of racially motivated rage, you saw that look he gave him).

Sub theory.  I know I already said that this would explain Charlie thinking he had to die, but I might change that.  In 2004 he isn’t dead.  So it’ll take a while before he dies and his consciouses merge.  The first person to die will be The Marshall, and then Boone soon after.  This could be fun if I’m right.  (I doubt the redshirts dying will make a difference to my theory.)

Who’s Alive and Where

This is just a list of the people off the Island who are likely dead or alive.  And just so you know, I’m staying spoiler free this year.  So I know there are a lot of rumours going around about who’s coming back and who isn’t but let’s not post those items here.

Continue reading ‘Post 602, 602 thoughts and theories’


Season 6 Premiere Expectations

Let’s all get our hopes up. Let’s raise our expectations so high that the show will never be able to meet them. Yeah!

What Do You Want?

What do you want from the Season 6 premiere? Do you want a grand reunion episode? Do you want Jughead to reset the past? Or do you want it to simply cause a big explosion? Do you want the past to be ignored? Or do you want the story to pick up where it left off, with our 70s heroes standing around The Swan and our 07 heroes standing around the foot?

What I Want

Continue reading ‘Season 6 Premiere Expectations’


Best Season 6 Poster

Best quality, that is.  This was posted in a few places: DarkUFO, BuddyTV, and Doc Arzt.

Here are the changes that I noticed:

  • They demoted a few of the girls, Libby and Charlotte seem to have undergone the most shrinkage
  • They got rid of the hieroglyphics
  • They moved Frank over to the left between Charlotte and Shannon
  • A lot of the characters got changed
  • And they threw Vincent in at the end, how nice of them

You know who hasn’t been added?  Walt.  Apparently Vincent ranks higher than Walt.

– izi


Lost Comic-Con 2009 Analysis

Comic Con 09 01

First of all I should say SPOILER ALERT.  I personally don’t think that anything that happens at Comic-Con is a spoiler but some people do.  So you’ve been warned.

Secondly, you should probably check out these videos from Comic-Con:

The Panel

The Videos

Now on to the analysis:

Continue reading ‘Lost Comic-Con 2009 Analysis’


Lost Comic-Con 2009 Videos

If one wants to remain completely untainted by spoilers of Season 6, official or otherwise, then don’t read ahead.


The Comic-Con 09 panel was posted on Saturday.  Here are the other official videos that were shown at Comic-Con.

Continue reading ‘Lost Comic-Con 2009 Videos’


Good vs. Evil – Christian Shepard


I’m sure that Christian is one of the most important recurring characters on Lost.  He’s been around since the beginning and he’s been involved in some of the craziest storylines.  I want to look at his life, his post-life life, his role and his motives.

Continue reading ‘Good vs. Evil – Christian Shepard’


502 – The Lie



This episode was Hurley-centric. That hardly means anything anymore though. He got one single flashback and one vision. Having an episode “about” a character isn’t what it used to be. It occurs to me that the last episode was probably Daniel-centric, but again, that doesn’t mean much anymore.

At the beginning of this episode we see Jack convince the Oceanic 6 and co. to go with “The Lie”. Then this episode continues on with Hurley and Sayid’s story. Hurley now has an unconscious Sayid in his car. He first consults with his ghostly guide, Ana Lucia, then he goes to his parents house. Sayid’s obviously in trouble but it takes a while to do anything about it. Hurley admits to his parents that he’s been lying for a long time, he even tells his mother the real story. In the end he rejects Ben’s offer to go back to the island and he turns himself over to the cops. Most Hurley episodes are funny. The one that isn’t, the season 4 premiere, was tragic in it’s own way and really got us in the mood for season 4. This episode seems to be all over the place. It’s sometimes funny, and it’s never really sad, but at the same time this isn’t a funny episode. I think the writers got a little stuck on the Hurley parts of this episode.

In other news Kate meets with Sun. Sun tells Kate that she forgives her for leaving Jin behind. Then she tells Kate to defend herself and Aaron by any means necessary.

On the island the people left behind are having trouble getting by. They can’t make fire and when they finally do get food they get attacked. They are shot at by The Hostiles (I’m assuming, I know). Then Sawyer and Juliet are captured by Dharma people, and saved by Locke.

Right at the end of the episode we get to see the mysterious Mrs. Hawkins at work. She is behind a huge machine that appears to be searching for the island. It’s also revealed that she’s working with or for Ben. This was my favorite part of the episode by far.

Good episode, but the Hurley stuff wasn’t quite as good as it could have been. 7.5/10.0

Continue reading ‘502 – The Lie’

May 2024

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