Posts Tagged ‘Penny


617 – The End – Sawyer & Juliet


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617 – The End – Desmond & Penny


Continue reading ‘617 – The End – Desmond & Penny’


617 – The End – review


Continue reading ‘617 – The End – review’


Time to Die

The show’s almost over, the clock is ticking.  We all have to ask ourselves, who’s going to die?  And, more importantly, are we ready for our favorite character’s death?

As you probably know, I was extremely shocked when Ilana blew up.  For some reason I thought she was safe.  But no one is safe.  The show is nearly finished and many people must die before it ends.  So I want to look at each of the characters and try to prepare you, and myself, for their possible deaths.

Continue reading ‘Time to Die’


611 – Happily Ever After


Desmond spent this episode revisiting all the people who affected him in the other timeline.  I could write a huge review for each of those reunions, but I don’t want to put all of that in the review, so look at each of the characters for blurbs about that jazz.

Daniel and Desmond are probably my favorite characters in this show.  So you can imagine that this was probably one of the best episodes of the season for me.

The Desmond and Penny are the ultimate couple on this show.  They’re the Ross and Rachel, the Mulder and Scully, the Gaius and Six of this show.  As much as the writers try they can never make us care more about another couple (see: the Kwons or Kate and whoever).  So when there’s a Desmond episode the stakes are high.  This episode did a great job with those two.  It almost reached the same level as the scene in Catch 22 when they originally met.  (If you’ve got a spare minute I recommend watching that scene at the end of that episode, it’s worth it.  Then again, why not watch all the Desmond episodes, they’re all awesome.)

On the Island it was pretty hectic.  Desmond is forced to cooperate at the beginning of the episode.  Then at the end he’s a willing follower of Widmore.  He seems totally at peace even when he seems to switch sides.  It’s going to make for a very exciting end.

Off the Island there was a very interesting ending, for once.  I’m fine with all the cute stuff that’s happening off the Island, but I never really care to see the stories continued.  For the first time ever I’m dying to see what happens next.  Desmond wants to get all our charatcer together so that he can share something, presumably it’s the other timeline.  That’s perfect, just what I want to see.

Let’s just count the reasons to love this episode: Daniel coming back, Desmond and Penny reuniting, Desmond finding his purpose on the Island, Eloise spouting electrifying insanity, the Oceanic Manifest reunion party; it was a very exciting episode for me.  This season is starting to feel very final to me and I’m loving it.  9.5/10.0.  It only just didn’t get 10.0 because of Charlie and because it doesn’t quite compare to Flashes Before Your Eyes or The Constant.

Continue reading ‘611 – Happily Ever After’


Post 602, 602 thoughts and theories

OK.  So I’ve given it a lot of thought and I’ve gone back and forth with many of you in the comments all the while forming new theories.  So here goes nothing.

New Theory About Dying

I’d like to put forth this theory: once characters die in one of the timelines they become aware of the other timeline. This would explain Charlie thinking that he had to die and also Juliet knowing that “it worked”.  It doesn’t really explain what happened to Sayid.  I tend to think that possibly he died in the non-Island timelines, but that seems kinda crazy (maybe Arzt killed him in some sort of racially motivated rage, you saw that look he gave him).

Sub theory.  I know I already said that this would explain Charlie thinking he had to die, but I might change that.  In 2004 he isn’t dead.  So it’ll take a while before he dies and his consciouses merge.  The first person to die will be The Marshall, and then Boone soon after.  This could be fun if I’m right.  (I doubt the redshirts dying will make a difference to my theory.)

Who’s Alive and Where

This is just a list of the people off the Island who are likely dead or alive.  And just so you know, I’m staying spoiler free this year.  So I know there are a lot of rumours going around about who’s coming back and who isn’t but let’s not post those items here.

Continue reading ‘Post 602, 602 thoughts and theories’


Season 6 Cast Photos

ABC just released the promo pictures for the main cast members for Season 6.  Click the “read more” link to see them all.  Some people might consider these pictures spoilers.  That’s crazy talk if you ask me, but I try to respect the insane among  us.

I also talk a little about the official cast list for Season 6.

Extremely minor CASTING SPOILERS below.

Continue reading ‘Season 6 Cast Photos’


V.S. – Adam & Eve


106 – House of the Rising Sun

Scene Synopsis

Jack finds these two skeletons in the caves.  He says the clothes indicated they have been dead for 40 or 50 years.  He also discovers a bag with a Black and White rocks inside.  Locke later gives them the nicknames Adam & Eve.


Continue reading ‘V.S. – Adam & Eve’


Foreign Theory: Anon’s New Annie Theory


Exactly six months ago Anon, a frequent commenter, posted a large-ish Annie theory on my blog.  In the last six months many things have changed, so she revised here theory and sent it to me again.

Hold on to your hats everyone, this theory is a doozy (it’s actually more like a screenplay):

Continue reading ‘Foreign Theory: Anon’s New Annie Theory’


Season 5 Finale Speculation


How is Season 5 going to end?  As we draw closer to the finale that is the question on everyone’s mind.

I’ve had many mini theories about the ending during the season , I’ve discarded most of them.  I must admit that I knew pretty far in advance what the episode was called, “The Incident”, so that was a big hint.  I remember thinking very early on in the season that the it would end with the Oceanic 6 coming back, the skipping stopping and a big reunion.  This season moved way faster than I expected, I was completely shocked when the Oceanic “6” came to the Island in episode six.  After Jughead aired I expected the season to end with a large hydrogen bomb going off. I discarded that theory an episode after Jughead (and apparently that was too soon).  After that I just got caught up in the story.

So here we are.  The finale starts tomorrow, what do we think will happen?  Will Jack change the past by blowing up Jughead?  Will Locke kill Jacob?  Will the Third Party succeed in it’s…plan?  Will Sawyer and Juliet get off the Island and live happily ever after?  Will anyone die?  What will the cliffhanger be?  What will season 6 look like?

Continue reading ‘Season 5 Finale Speculation’

May 2024

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